The first argument to setTimeout is the function whose execution will be delayed. This is why I multiplied 4 by 1000 to make it into 4 seconds. The second argument to setTimeout is the delay (in ms). This example uses setTimeout to delay the printing of the greeting message by 4 seconds. Here’s an example about delaying: // example1.js Timer functions are higher-order functions that can be used to delay or repeat the execution of other functions (which they receive as their first argument). You can read the updated version of it at here. Let’s do a few examples and challenges about timer functions, shall we? Update: This article is now part of my “Complete Introduction to Node.js”. Some might think this is a bad interview question - why does knowing this matter anyway?! As a JavaScript developer, I think you’re expected to know this because if you don’t, that might be a sign that you don’t completely understand how V8 (and other VMs) interacts with browsers and Node.
Set timer javascript code#
You can see the source code of timers in Node here. In Node, timers are part of the global object, which behaves similarly to the browser’s Window interface. This is why you can execute setTimeout directly in your browser’s console. That interface makes all of its elements available globally in the main JavaScript scope. In browsers, the main timer functions are part of the Window interface, which has a few other functions and objects.

Timers are also implemented natively by the Node.js runtime itself. Timer functions are implemented by browsers and their implementations will be different among different browsers. The answer is NOT V8 (or other VMs)!! While famously known as “JavaScript Timers”, functions like setTimeout and setInterval are not part of the ECMAScript specs or any JavaScript engine implementations.

*** Answer the question in your head now before you proceed ***Ībout half the replies to the Tweet were wrong. JS Graphics JS Graphics JS Canvas JS Plotly JS Chart.js JS Google Chart JS D3.A few weeks ago, I tweeted this interview question: JS vs jQuery jQuery Selectors jQuery HTML jQuery CSS jQuery DOM JS JSON JSON Intro JSON Syntax JSON vs XML JSON Data Types JSON Parse JSON Stringify JSON Objects JSON Arrays JSON Server JSON PHP JSON HTML JSON JSONP JS AJAX AJAX Intro AJAX XMLHttp AJAX Request AJAX Response AJAX XML File AJAX PHP AJAX ASP AJAX Database AJAX Applications AJAX Examples JS Web APIs Web API Intro Web Forms API Web History API Web Storage API Web Worker API Web Fetch API Web Geolocation API JS Browser BOM JS Window JS Screen JS Location JS History JS Navigator JS Popup Alert JS Timing JS Cookies JS HTML DOM DOM Intro DOM Methods DOM Document DOM Elements DOM HTML DOM Forms DOM CSS DOM Animations DOM Events DOM Event Listener DOM Navigation DOM Nodes DOM Collections DOM Node Lists JS Async JS Callbacks JS Asynchronous JS Promises JS Async/Await JS Classes Class Intro Class Inheritance Class Static JS Functions Function Definitions Function Parameters Function Invocation Function Call Function Apply Function Bind Function Closures JS Objects Object Definitions Object Properties Object Methods Object Display Object Accessors Object Constructors Object Prototypes Object Iterables Object Sets Object Maps Object Reference JS Tutorial JS HOME JS Introduction JS Where To JS Output JS Statements JS Syntax JS Comments JS Variables JS Let JS Const JS Operators JS Arithmetic JS Assignment JS Data Types JS Functions JS Objects JS Events JS Strings JS String Methods JS String Search JS String Templates JS Numbers JS Number Methods JS Number Properties JS Arrays JS Array Methods JS Array Sort JS Array Iteration JS Array Const JS Dates JS Date Formats JS Date Get Methods JS Date Set Methods JS Math JS Random JS Booleans JS Comparisons JS If Else JS Switch JS Loop For JS Loop For In JS Loop For Of JS Loop While JS Break JS Iterables JS Sets JS Maps JS Typeof JS Type Conversion JS Bitwise JS RegExp JS Precedence JS Errors JS Scope JS Hoisting JS Strict Mode JS this Keyword JS Arrow Function JS Classes JS Modules JS JSON JS Debugging JS Style Guide JS Best Practices JS Mistakes JS Performance JS Reserved Words